A panoramic image generating algorithm based on hexahedral and spherical model

Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce(2011)

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In order to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional three-dimensional panoramic system that it can only obtain virtual three-dimensional experience at a certain point, this paper proposed an algorithm to generate panoramic image at any point based on the hexahedral model and sphere model. In accordance with the special rules, this algorithm maps the panoramic image generated by splicing the fish-eye photos to sphere surface, forming three-dimensional panorama; according to the law that mapping between hexahedral and sphere won't change the point's location, this algorithm executes mapping and inverse mapping between hexahedral and sphere. Using this algorithm, we can generate panoramic images at any point of the original panoramic, and the new images keep virtual three-dimensional experience. The results show that this algorithm will enhance the three-dimensional visual experience significantly.
virtual three-dimensional visual experience,image processing,virtual reality,spherical model,panoramic image generating algorithm,hexahedral model,inverse mapping,spherical mapping,inverse problems,three-dimensional panorama,solid modelling,image mapping,fish eye photos,algorithm design and analysis,algorithm design,solid modeling,three dimensional,visualization,heuristic algorithm,generic algorithm
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