A role-based fast negotiation model in openning network

ICACTE 2010 - 2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, Proceedings(2010)

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The resource requesters and providers often belong to different security domains in the openning network. It can be achieved through automated trust negotiation to build confidence and to ensure the security of shared resources. Speeding up subsequent negotiations between the same negotiators is a problem worth of research. This paper analyzed the automatic trust negotiation and proposed the role-based fast negotiation model RBFN. RBFN introduces the concept of role. RBFN maps the counterparty to many roles according to the credentials he disclosed during previous successful negotiation.RBFN records these roles with its credential disclosure sequence in the HIB. In the subsequent negotiation, the resource provider checks that if the requester has a role that is permitted to access the resources. If such a role exists, the negotiators can disclose credentials according to the credential disclosure sequence and then conduct a successful negotiation. RBFN model was verified to has higher safety performance in the experiment and also meet the rapid demand for automated trust negotiation. © 2010 IEEE.
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credential disclosure sequence,hib,history role,rbfn,open systems,computational modeling,cryptography,atmospheric modeling
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