Study on the method of preparation 97 Tc


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Technetium-99 is one of several long-lived fission products which, when detected in the environment can give an indication of a specific nuclear activity. The most sensitive analytical technique for 99 Tc yet reported is by isotopic dilution mass spectrometry with technetium-97 as the yield tracer. A method for the preparation of 97 Tc is reported in this paper. 97 Tc was obtained by irradiation of a sample of natural ruthenium metal in a high flux reactor. After cooling for 2 years, the technetium was isolated from the sample by technique combining; deposition, solvent extraction, and ion-exchange chromatography techniques. 99m Tc and 103 Ru were used as radio-tracers for the process. The results showed that more than 70% of the Tc was recovered the decontamination factor is more than 2.3 × 10 7 . The 97 Tc was calibrated by isotope dilution mass spectrometry with 99 Tc as the yield tracer. The final yield was 29.56 μg of 97 Tc suitable for use as a mass spectrometric spike (weight % 97 Tc spike: 97 Tc, 84.77%; 98 Tc, 15.03%; 99 Tc, 0.20%).
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