Chaos-based signal compression/code scheme

Journal of Computational Information Systems(2009)

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A signal processing method based on chaos is presented in this paper. With a nonlinear control toolkit, a chaotic system can be used to implement a variety of signal processing tasks, such as the section-wise approximation of the measured signal by pieces of trajectories from a chosen chaotic system, appropriately chosen dynamical systems which do not reflect any properties of the considered system but in some sense can produce similar signals. In the restoration of a signal, a deterministic chaotic system can produce another signal which is very similar to original signal in the least-square sense, and the method intrinsically has the capability of smoothing out the quantization error influence. In the process of signal coding and compression, the signal can be coded/compressed. Instead of storing the whole waveform, we can just store the model equations and a set of initial conditions with which the measured trajectory can be regenerated precisely or approximately. Copyright © 2009 Binary Information Press.
Chaotic system,Signal coding,Signal processing,Signal reconstruction,Signal storing
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