Development of a Pulsed High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Huazhong University of Science and Technology


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A pulsed high magnetic field laboratory is to be funded and established at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China by the Chinese Development and Reform Committee. In order to cover a wide spectrum of the experimental possibilities, the pulsed field coils are planned in the range of 50-80 T with pulse durations from 20 ms to 1000 ms. Experience in the construction of the pulsed power supplies, pulsed magnet and the experimental equipment has been gained from a pilot laboratory at HUST since 2002. The lab building and the installation of a 1 MJ, 25 kV capacitor bank and the 100 MVA pulse generator have been completed. Two pulsed magnets with a 18 mm bore were made at KU.Leuven in the context of the bilateral project between two universities. The magnets have been tested to 42 T and installed in two measuring stations. As the first experiment, the magneto-resistance of the high temperature superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4 was measured.
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magneto-resistance,pulse generator,hust,high temperature superconductor,huazhong university of science and technology,chinese development and reform committee,pulsed power supply,pulsed power supplies,pulse generators,high-temperature superconductors,wuhan,magnetic fields,pulsed high magnetic field laboratory,high temperature superconductors,science and technology,spectrum
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