Study on technological evaluation modeling of smart grid

Applied Mechanics and Materials(2014)

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The Smart Grid is the development trend of grid technology. For guiding the construction of smart grid scientifically, quantitative evaluation for the level of technology maturity of the Smart Grid construction is necessary. The evaluation results can be used for determining the stage of the current construction of Smart Grid and summarizing the problems which came up during the process of construction, also finding the gap between current satiation and individual goals to determine the direction and key job in next step. This paper take the characteristics and goals of domestic Smart Grid into account, build a maturity evaluation model which assess the smart grid maturity in three dimensions time, production processes and technical features separately. By setting the primary and secondary parameter the model can be used for smart grid assessment in any time, scenes and region. The model make a comprehensive coverage of various aspects in the smart grid construction process and the results of evaluation can be analyzed from different dimension to find the short slab to guide the work in next step.
Smart Grid,Technology Maturity,Evaluation Model,Dimension,Parameter
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