1.5 kW Incoherent Beam Combining of Four Fiber Lasers Using Adaptive Fiber-Optics Collimators

Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE(2013)

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We demonstrate the incoherent beam combining (BC) of four high-power single-mode fiber lasers. Adaptive fiber-optics collimators (AFOC) of 0.5 kW-level are developed to correct the tip/tilt-type phase errors among beamlets. The maximum deflection angle of the AFOC is about 0.29 mrad. A stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm is employed as the tip/tilt control strategy. The tip/tilt control makes four separate laser beams overlap with each other in the far-field, and the average of normalized power-in-bucket increases from 0.171 in open loop to 0.798 in closed loop when 1.5-kW total output power is achieved. The precise tracking ability and control accuracy of this BC system are investigated. Experimental results expose that thermal-blooming effect disturbs BC seriously when the total output power is up to kW-level, which could be mitigated by inducing air flow near the laser output.
High-power fiber laser,stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm,tip/tilt control,stochastic processes,adaptive optics,optical collimators,thermal blooming,output power,laser beams,closed loop,thermal-blooming effect,AFOC deflection angle,beamlets,tilt-type phase errors,thermal-blooming,power-in-bucket,high-power single-mode fiber lasers,power 1.5 kW,high-power fiber laser,tip-tilt control strategy,incoherent beam combining,adaptive fiber-optics collimator,fibre lasers,gradient methods,tip-type phase errors,adaptive fiber-optics collimators,beam combining,air flow,laser output,laser modes,open loop,power 0.5 kW
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