Comparing of individual feed, water intake and excretion of hens kept in intelligent hencoop under different photoperiods

Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment(2013)

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This paper is concerned with the effects of photoperiod on individual feed, water intake and excretion of hens kept in intelligent hencoop, to enable the continuous recording of feeding, drinking and excreting characteristics for a large number of hens kept in individual coop. In experiment 450 d 40- Hyland commercial hens were randomly divided into two groups, conventional light treatments (14L:10D) and intermittent light treatments (8L:4D:2L:10D). The first light time was 8:00, each of two replicates of 10 chickens. The hens were raised in a single cage at the closed henhouse. Data acquisition interval was 3 min. The experiment lasted 30 d. The results showed that the feed intake and conversion efficiency savings were achieved in 8L:4D:2L:10D treatment, mean savings of 1% and 1.6%, respectively. Individual water intake/feed ratio was 1.59, 1.35 in 14L:10D and 8L:4D:2L:10D, respectively. The weight and number of excretion were 111.52 g, 11.99 n; 114.47 g, 12.09 n in 14L:10D and 8L:4D:2L:10D, respectively.
excretion,feed intake,photoperiod,water intake
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