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Observation Of Exclusive Y(1s) And Y(2s) Decays Into Light Hadrons

C. P. Shen,C. Z. Yuan,T. Iijima,I. Adachi,H. Aihara,D. M. Asner,T. Aushev,A. M. Bakich,A. Bay,K. Belous,B. Bhuyan,M. Bischofberger,G. Bonvicini,A. Bozek,M. Bracko,T. E. Browder,M. -C. Chang,P. Chang,A. Chen,P. Chen,B. G. Cheon,K. Chilikin,R. Chistov,I. -S. Cho,K. Cho,S. -K. Choi,Y. Choi,J. Dalseno,Z. Dolezal,Z. Drasal,S. Eidelman,J. E. Fast,V. Gaur,N. Gabyshev,Y. M. Goh,B. Golob,J. Haba,H. Hayashii,Y. Horii,Y. Hoshi,W. -S. Hou,Y. B. Hsiung,H. J. Hyun,K. Inami,A. Ishikawa,R. Itoh,M. Iwabuchi,Y. Iwasaki,T. Iwashita,T. Julius,J. H. Kang,T. Kawasaki, C. Kiesling,B. H. Kim,H. O. Kim, J. B. Kim,J. H. Kim,M. J. Kim,Y. J. Kim,K. Kinoshita,B. R. Ko,S. Koblitz, P. Kodys, S. Korpar,R. T. Kouzes, P. Krizan,P. Krokovny, R. Kumar,T. Kumita,A. Kuzmin,Y. -J. Kwon,S. -H. Lee,J. Li,Y. Li,J. Libby,C. Liu, Y. Liu,Z. Q. Liu,R. Louvot,S. Mconie,K. Miyabayashi,H. Miyata,G. B. Mohanty,D. Mohapatra,A. Moll,N. Muramatsu,E. Nakano,M. Nakao,Z. Natkaniec,S. Nishida,K. Nishimura,O. Nitoh,S. Ogawa,T. Ohshima,S. Okuno,S. L. Olsen,P. Pakhlov,G. Pakhlova,C. W. Park,H. Park,H. K. Park, T. K. Pedlar, R. Pestotnik,M. Petric,L. E. Piilonen,M. Ritter,H. Sahoo,Y. Sakai,D. Santel,T. Sanuki,Y. Sato,O. Schneider,C. Schwanda,K. Senyo,O. Seon,M. E. Sevior,M. Shapkin,V. Shebalin,T. -A. Shibata,J. -G. Shiu,B. Shwartz,A. Sibidanov,F. Simon,P. Smerkol,Y. -S. Sohn,A. Sokolov,E. Solovieva,M. Staric,M. Sumihama,T. Sumiyoshi,G. Tatishvili,Y. Teramoto,M. Uchida,S. Uehara,T. Uglov,Y. Unno,S. Uno,P. Urquijo,Y. Usov,P. Vanhoefer,G. Varner,C. H. Wang,P. Wang,X. L. Wang,M. Watanabe,Y. Watanabe, K. M. Williams,E. Won,B. D. Yabsley,Y. Yamashita,C. C. Zhang, Z. P. Zhang,V. Zhilich,V. Zhulanov,A. Zupanc


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Using samples of 102 x 10(6) Gamma(1S) and 158 x 10(6) Gamma(2S) events collected with the Belle detector, we study exclusive hadronic decays of these two bottomonium resonances to the three-body final states phi K+K-, omega pi(+)pi(-) and K*(0)(892)K-pi(+), and to the two-body Vector-Tensor states (phi f'(2)(1525), omega f(2)(1270), rho a(2)(1320) and K*(0)(892)(K) over bar*(0)(2)(1430)) and Axial-vector-Pseudoscalar (K-1(1270)K-+(-), K-1(1400)K-+(-) and b(1)(1235)(+)pi(-)) states. Signals are observed for the first time in the Y(1S) -> phi K+K-, omega pi(+)pi(-), K*K-0(-)pi(+), K*K-0*(0)(2) Gamma(2S) -> phi K+K-, K*K-0(-)pi(+) decay modes. Branching fractions are determined for all the processes, while 90% confidence level upper limits are established on the branching fractions for the modes with a statistical significance less than 3 sigma. The ratios of the branching fractions of Gamma(2S) and Gamma(1S) decays into the same final state are used to test a perturbative QCD prediction for OZI-suppressed bottomonium decays.
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