The optical light curve of GRB 221009A: the afterglow and the emerging supernova


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We present extensive optical photometry of the afterglow of GRB~221009A. Our data cover $0.9 - 59.9$\,days from the time of \textit{Swift} and \textit{Fermi} GRB detections. Photometry in $rizy$-band filters was collected primarily with Pan-STARRS and supplemented by multiple 1- to 4-meter imaging facilities. We analyzed the Swift X-ray data of the afterglow and found a single decline rate power-law $f(t) \propto t^{-1.556\pm0.002}$ best describes the light curve. In addition to the high foreground Milky Way dust extinction along this line of sight, the data favour additional extinction to consistently model the optical to X-ray flux with optically thin synchrotron emission. We fit the X-ray-derived power-law to the optical light curve and find good agreement with the measured data up to $5-6$\,days. Thereafter we find a flux excess in the $riy$ bands which peaks in the observer frame at $\sim20$\,days. This excess shares similar light curve profiles to the type Ic broad-lined supernovae SN~2016jca and SN~2017iuk once corrected for the GRB redshift of $z=0.151$ and arbitrarily scaled. This may be representative of a supernova emerging from the declining afterglow. We measure rest-frame absolute peak AB magnitudes of $M_g=-19.8\pm0.6$ and $M_r=-19.4\pm0.3$ and $M_z=-20.1\pm0.3$. If this is an SN component, then Bayesian modelling of the excess flux would imply explosion parameters of $M_{\rm ej}=7.1^{+2.4}_{-1.7}$ M$_{\odot}$, $M_{\rm Ni}=1.0^{+0.6}_{-0.4}$ M$_{\odot}$, and $v_{\rm ej}=33,900^{+5,900}_{-5,700} kms^{-1}$, for the ejecta mass, nickel mass and ejecta velocity respectively, inferring an explosion energy of $E_{\rm kin}\simeq 2.6-9.0\times10^{52}$ ergs.
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Gamma-ray bursts,Type Ic supernovae,Light curves,X-ray photometry,Optical astronomy
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