Development of an e-learning environment for anatomical female pelvic region

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Anatomy of female pelvic area is complex and gives a great challenge to medical students. In this study, we present an e-learning environment developed for anatomical female pelvic region based on Chinese Visible Human Datasets. A series of cryo-sectional photographs with corresponding computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging slices was used to establish an image database aiming to provide two-dimensional anatomical information of pelvic region. Based on image segmentation and contouring, a three-dimensional virtual pelvic floor with associated organs and structures was reconstructed in Javascript, HyperText Markup Language and Virtual Reality Modeling Language, which can offer the feasibility for network-based on-line manipulation. Additionally, an e-learning program derived from instructional videos of interactive operations based on Dextrobeam system was developed for medical students and not only which share the training resources of a virtual reality platform. By designing and implementing such an e-learning environment, the local educational materials and tools can be adapted to meet remote learning objectives as a cost-effective means of facilitating the study of human anatomy and fostering more flexible approaches to improve e-learning performance.
E-learning,Human anatomy,Pelvic region,Virtual reality
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