Masturbation as a compensation for partnered-sex among enforced male bachelors in rural China – findings from a survey conducted in the context of a deficit of females

Journal of Men's Health(2012)

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Background Due to the change in sex ratio at birth over the past decades, China has been facing a growing female deficit that has led to a “male marriage squeeze”. In China, bachelorhood implies that sexual needs may barely be met through sexual intercourse with a regular partner. Methods Using data from a survey conducted in JC District, Anhui, in August 2008, the present study adopted descriptive, stepped binary logistic and linear regression methods to analyze masturbation behaviors among enforced male bachelors in rural China in comparison to married men of the same age. Results The prevalence of sexual intercourse among enforced male bachelors was significantly lower than that among married men. Also, while the prevalence of masturbation did not vary much by marital status, its frequency (number of times the respondent masturbated) was significantly higher among unmarried than married men. Compared to the married men, the ennforced male bachelors with more acceptable attitudes toward masturbation were more likely to masturbate and to masturbate more often. Conclusions In the context of a male marriage squeeze, for those enforced male bachelors who hold acceptable attitudes toward masturbation, it truly acts as a compensation for partnered sexual intercourse, even if the frequency of masturbation remains rather low on average.
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Key words
Rural China,Enforced male bachelor,Masturbation,Sexual intercourse,Marital status
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