Evolutionary Game Analysis of Supervision Strategy for Industrial Injury Insurance for Migrant Workers in the SMEs

Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences(2012)

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Migrant workers had make great contributions for China's economic construction, our country attaches great importance to migrant workers in occupational health and safety issues, requires companies to buy industrial injury insurance for migrant workers. Our country had developed a series of policies and regulations and carried out a series of actions. In order to protect the interests of migrant workers, our country spend a lot of time, energy etc... But the vast majority of migrant workers work in small and medium enterprises, they have some unique features, and measures are not well implemented. The SMEs do not buy injury insurance for migrant workers, or impede the work injury insurance for migrant workers protection owing to the collusion between SMEs and the local authorities. In this paper we establish a game between SMEs and the central ministries, discuss and make recommendations.
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Collusion game,Migrant workers,SMEs
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