Rail-to-rail digital to analog converter with shared binary weighted resistive load interpolation.


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This paper presents a binary-weighted resistive load interpolation digital-to-analog converter (RIDAC) architecture with improved resolution performance. The RIDAC consists of coarse resistor string DAC driving a multi-input operational amplifier where the interpolation is performed inside the load branch of this amplifier. The shared resistive load provides an accurate and monotonic binary-weighted interpolation between coarse voltage levels with reduced number of resistors. The measured integral non-linearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) are 0.68 LSB and 0.35 LSB, respectively. The chip occupies 0.042 mm(2) area and consumes 1.44 mW static power from a 1.8 V power supply.
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multi-input operational amplifier, interpolation, rail-to-rail input, resistive interpolation, resistor string DAC
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