Predicting the trend and outbreak of influenza A using machine learning algorithms in Shenzhen, China.

International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences(2023)

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Influenza is a major public health concern, causing significant morbidity and mortality each year. Early and accurate prediction of influenza outbreaks is essential for effective public health intervention. The proposed algorithm will use historical influenza data to identify patterns and trends in influenza outbreaks. The algorithm will then use these patterns and trends to predict future influenza outbreaks. The proposed algorithm will be evaluated using a variety of metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. The results of this research will provide valuable insight into the potential of machine learning algorithms for influenza prediction. This research presents a machine learning algorithm for influenza in Shenzhen, China, using data from the Shenzhen Center of Disease Control and Prevention. The algorithm uses a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to identify patterns of the data and to make predictions about future influenza outbreaks. The results of the algorithm were compared to the actual influenza cases reported by the Shenzhen Center of Disease Control, and the accuracy of the predictions was evaluated.
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