Specific Prognostic Factors For Secondary Pancreatic Infection In Severe Acute Pancreatitis

M Armengol-Carrasco,B Oller, L E Escudero,J Roca,J Gener, N Rodríguez,P del Moral, P Moreno


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Background/Aims: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether there are specific prognostic factors to predict the development of secondary pancreatic infection (SPI) in severe acute pancreatitis in order to perform a computed tomography-fine needle aspiration with bacteriological sampling at the right moment and confirm the diagnosis. Methods: Twenty-five clinical and laboratory parameters were determined sequentially in 150 patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and univariate, and multivariate regression analyses were done looking for correlation with the development of SPI. Results: Only APACHE II score and C-reactive protein levels were related to the development of SPI in the multivariate analysis, A regression equation was designed using these two parameters, and empiric cut-off points defined the subgroup of patients at high risk of developing secondary pancreatic infection. Conclusion: The results showed that it is possible to predict SPI during SAP allowing bacteriological confirmation and early treatment of this severe condition.
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Key words
acute pancreatitis, secondary pancreatic infection, specific prognostic factors
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