The Effects of Salicylic Acid and Tobacco Mosaic Virus lnfection on the Alternative Oxidase of Tobacco


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Salicylic acid (SA) is a signal in systemic acquired resistance and an inducer of the alternative oxidase protein in tobacco (Nicofiana tabacum cv Xanthi nc) cell suspensions and during thermogenesis in aroid spadices. The effects of SA on the levels of alternative oxidase protein and the pathogenesis-related la mRNA (a marker for sys- temic acquired resistance), and on the partitioning of electrons between the Cyt and alternative pathways were investigated in tobacco. Leaves were treated with 1.0 mM SA and mitochondria isolated at times between 1 h and 3 d after treatment. Alternative oxidase protein increased 2.5-fold within 5 h, reached a maximum (9-fold) after 12 h, and remained at twice the level of control plants after 3 d. Measurements of isotope fractionation of '*O by intact leaf tissue gave a value of 23% at all times, identical to that of control plants, indicating a constant 27 to 30% of electron-flow partitioning to the alternative oxidase independent of treatment with SA. Transgenic NahC tobacco p!ants that express bacterial salicylate hydroxylase and possess very low levels of SA gave a fractionation of 23% and showed control levels of alternative oxi- dase protein, suggesting that steady-state alternative oxidase accu- mulates in an SA-independent manner. lnfection of plants with tobacco mosaic virus resulted in an increase in alternative oxidase protein in both infected and systemic leaves, but no increase was observed in comparably infected NahC plants. Total respiration rate and partitioning of electrons to the alternative pathway in virus-infected plants was comparable to that in uninfected controls.
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