Spatiotemporal path planning in strong, dynamic, uncertain currents

Robotics and Automation(2010)

Cited 66|Views46
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This work addresses mission planning for autonomous underwater gliders based on predictions of an uncertain, time-varying current field. Glider submersibles are highly sensitive to prevailing currents so mission planners must account for ocean tides and eddies. Previous work in variable-current path planning assumes that current predictions are perfect, but in practice these forecasts may be inaccurate. Here we evaluate plan fragility using empirical tests on historical ocean forecasts for which followup data is available. We present methods for glider path planning and control in a time-varying current field. A case study scenario in the Southern California Bight uses current predictions drawn from the Regional Ocean Monitoring System (ROMS).
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Key words
mobile robots,path planning,remotely operated vehicles,spatiotemporal phenomena,underwater vehicles,Southern California Bight,autonomous underwater glider,glider submersible,mission planning,ocean eddy,ocean tide,regional ocean monitoring system,spatiotemporal path planning,time varying current field,uncertain current field
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