Matching remote sensing technology to operational requirements for land resource management in Canada†


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Experimental applications of data from multispectral and other advanced sensors have demonstrated that remote sensing can make a valuable contribution to the monitoring and management of Canada's land resources. More frequent coverage and additional spectral bands on satellites planned for the mid-1980s and beyond will increase the opportunities for regular use of remotely sensed data. To effectively utilize these data in resource management, the remote sensing input must be matched with the resource management systems existing at that time. Thus, it is essential to anticipate the needs of resource management systems of the late 1980s and 1990s, to determine the appropriate role for remotely sensed data and to develop and implement a plan which will yield the remote sensing systems and methodologies necessary to meet the operational resource management requirements Previous studies of resource information requirements indicate that there will be a need for geocoded remotely sensed data, improved image analysis techniques and better information integration concepts for future resource management systems. To develop a plan for meeting the anticipated requirements, the flow from the recording of the remotely sensed data to the end use of the derived information is considered first. The timeliness and accuracy requirements of different users, the diverse data types and forms for individual applications, the analysis methods/decision models needed and the implications of these factors for the configuration(s) of remote sensing input into the future resource management systems are examined. From this analysis, areas requiring further work (research, development, demonstration, transfer) are identified, and a plan of action is suggested.
image analysis,information integration,resource manager,decision models,data type,remote sensing
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