Gender differences in patients presenting with first-episode psychosis in Hong Kong: a three-year follow up study.


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Objective: The aim of the current study was to investigate gender differences with respect to pre-treatment characteristics, clinical presentation, service utilization and functional outcome in patients presenting with first-episode psychosis. Methods: A total of 700 participants (men, n == 360; women, n == 340) aged 15 to 25 years consecutively enrolled in a territory-wide first-episode psychosis treatment programme in Hong Kong from July 2001 to August 2003 were studied. Baseline and three-year follow up variables were collected via systematic medical file review. Results: At service entry, men had significantly lower educational attainment (p < 0.01), longer median duration of untreated psychosis (p < 0.001), fewer past suicidal attempts (p < 0.01), more severe negative symptoms (p < 0.05) and fewer affective symptoms (p < 0.01) than women. There was no significant gender difference in age of onset. In three-year follow up, men had more prominent negative symptoms (p < 0.001), fewer affective symptoms (p < 0.01), more violent behaviour and forensic records (p < 0.01), and higher rate of substance abuse (p < 0.01). Women achieved higher levels of functioning than men (Social Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS), p < 0.001) and a significantly higher proportion of women than men engaged in full-time employment or study for at least 12 consecutive months (p < 0.001) in the initial three years after psychiatric treatment. Conclusion: Notable gender differences in clinical profiles, illness trajectory and functional outcome were demonstrated in Chinese young people suffering from first-episode psychosis. Differential needs between men and women and hence gender-specific therapeutic strategies should be considered in early intervention service.
first-episode psychosis,functioning,gender,schizophrenia
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