A multifoil carbon polarimeter for protons between 20 and 84 MeV

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(1987)

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A new type of polarimeter has been built for protons between 20 and 84 MeV. It is a ray trace type with a multifoil of carbon, multiwire proportional chambers and plastic scintillators. The polarimeter distinguishes between elastic and inelastic scattering from carbon foil and has a large solid angle acceptance (∼ 470 msr) from the carbon foil. The effective analyzing power and the effective efficiency for practical use are estimated at 0.84 and 1.7 × 10−4 in the vicinity of 60 MeV, respectively. To evaluate these values, cross sections and analyzing powers for p—C elastic scattering have been measured for laboratory scattering angles between 15° and 80° at 19 energies from 21.1 to 83.8 MeV.
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cross section,inelastic scattering,elastic scattering,ray tracing
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