ICT as a function of the curriculum and quality teaching of students with disabilities.

Z. Stancic, L. Femec, N. Cacko


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The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities of applying information and communication technology (ICT), which has changed lives of many people with disabilities. It identified many positive features that could affect the development of “educational system for all.” The goal of inclusive education implies active participation in the process of teaching of parents, teachers and students with disabilities included in the quality of available teaching program. It is also a powerful factor in social transformation and social environment, in which every member should contribute as well as understand the social, ethical, legal and economic components and its' safe and responsible use. Because the world marketing is very strong, we should look at the situation realistically as well as the use of ICT, which can sometimes affect the socialization and neglect a personal development and social relationships based on direct contact. Either way, association of ICT, educational standards and curriculum should provide a new opportunity for students who have complex communication needs, who had been isolated and misunderstood, and all with a pursuit of changing social attitudes and allowing them to be equal members of the community that could contribute to its improvement.
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Key words
communications technology,law,inclusive education,social transformation,information and communication technology,curriculum,teaching,economics,ict,information technology,personal development,social environment,socialization,materials
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