Computed tomography scans of intra-abdominal fat, anthropometric measurements, and 3 nonobese metabolic risk factors


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The present cross-sectional study of 46 adult Danish white men and women aimed to evaluate association between intra-abdominal obesity, 4 anthropometric measurements of obesity, and combinations of 3 nonobese metabolic risk factors: systolic blood pressure of 130 mm Hg or higher, serum triglyceride concentration of more than 1.7 mmol/L, and fasting capillary blood glucose concentration of 5.6 mmol/L or more. For 80% of the subjects, intra-abdominal fat on a computed tomography scan of the abdomen using a cutoff limit of more than 144 cm2 gave a correct classification of combinations of at least 2 of the 3 metabolic risk factors. Body mass index and waist circumference were better markers of intra-abdominal obesity than waist-to-hip ratio in receiver operating characteristic analyses (P = .0035). Body mass index of more than 26 kg/m2 and waist circumference of more than 0.92 m classified 76% and 74% of the subjects correctly regarding combinations of the 3 nonobese metabolic risk factors. Intra-abdominal obesity was significantly stronger associated with the combinations than a raised waist-to-hip ratio (P = .016). Both body mass index and waist circumference may be used as markers of intra-abdominal obesity, whereas waist-to-hip ratio was significantly inferior. Correspondingly, both body mass index and waist circumference were better than waist-to-hip ratio to indicate combinations of the 3 nonobese metabolic risk factors.
computed tomography,waist to hip ratio,risk factors,receiver operator characteristic,cross sectional study,systolic blood pressure
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