Global Virtual Teams: Towards a Research Framework to Evaluate Effectiveness in using Group Support Systems

Communications of the IIMA(2007)

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ABSTRACT Globalization and the growth of multinational corporations, coupled with advanced information technology have brought GVTs (GVT's) into the spotlight. The authors examine prior research on group technologies, group structures and group decision making to develop a framework for research on GVT's. Literature is reviewed and the approaches are examined in terms of their strengths and weaknesses in providing criteria for team effectiveness. A framework is presented to suggest paths researchers may take in determining factors including knowledge, skills, and abilities that may improve GVT outcomes. INTRODUCTION With the rapid development of advanced computer and telecommunication technology, policies and politics, higher computer literacy, and globalization (Igbaria 2001), global virtual teams (GVT) have gained a significant amount of attention among individuals, government, and organizations in the United States and around the world. For many extended multinational enterprises, GVT's are the backbone of research and development, support, engineering and manufacturing (Applegate, Austin & McFarlan 2007). This dependence on GVT's requires organizations to create effective strategies to properly deploy and manage these environments to improve the performance of group tasks. Three main components comprise the GVT environment: the GVT itself, the group support systems (GSS), and the tasks to be performed. Ultimately these elements, when aligned lead to performance. Performance within the GVT environment can be influenced by many potential factors such as the diversity and trust among GVT members, organizational environment and culture, time, space, and technological adoption and use. GVTs are created to perform specific tasks, and can be supported and influenced by the use of information and communication technology (ICT) such as GSS when completing such tasks. Further, the use and effectiveness of GSS can be influenced by the knowledge, skills, and abilities of each team member in using such technology to support group collaboration and decision-making in completing tasks. Previous research posits that when GVT's adopt and use the technology that fits the task to be completed performance and group effectiveness increases. The proposed research framework will (1) integrate two predominate theories in group related research: task-technology fit theory (Zigurs and Buckland, 1998) and adaptive structuration theory (DeSanctis and Poole, 1994), and (2) determine what GVT member knowledge, skills, and abilities of GSS are required to improve the level of effectiveness in GVT environments. PREVIOUS RESEARCH Global Virtual Teams A GVT is an internationally distributed group of people who serve as a critical mechanism for integrating information, making decisions, and implementing actions around the world (Maznevski and Chudoba, 2000, Canney, Davison, and Ward 1999). Teams are composed of globally dispersed members that come from different continents or countries, and rarely meet face-to-face. Most meetings and/or collaborations take place with the support of information and communication technology (ICT) such as group support systems (GSS). Team members are a basic element of GVTs. Members may be selected to represent a specific skill, culture, time zone, or other such factor. Duarte and Snyder (1999) suggest a set of competencies for virtual team members: project management, networking, self-management, boundary management, interpersonal awareness, and use of technology. Some researchers propose that the effects of advanced technologies are less a function of the technologies themselves than of how they are used by people. People adapt systems to their particular work needs, or they resist them or fail to use them at all. There are wide variances in the patterns of computer use and consequently, their effects on decision-making and other outcomes (DeSanctis and Poole, 1994) in GVT environments. …
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research framework,multinational corporation,group decision making,information technology
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