Microarray expression profiling of tissues from mice with uniparental duplications of Chromosomes 7 and 11 to identify imprinted genes

Jonathan D. Choi,Lara A. Underkoffler, Joelle N. Collins, Shannon M. Marchegiani,Natalie A. Terry,Colin V. Beechey,Rebecca J. Oakey

Mammalian Genome(2014)

Cited 19|Views10
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. Microarray analysis allows the screening of thousands of identifiable genes in a single experiment. The challenge of this approach is to combine the new technology with established genetic tools to associate genes with specific biological function. In this study we have designed a screen to identify imprinted genes from mice with uniparental duplications of proximal Chromosomes (Chrs) 7 and 11, using microarray analysis. By comparing the expression patterns in embryonic and newborn tissues of maternally versus paternally inherited proximal Chrs 7 and 11, we have correctly identified four out of five known imprinted genes represented on a microarray. We have additionally identified two novel imprinted candidate genes as well as a differentially expressed clone that is a potential downstream target. Interpretation of the microarray data requires careful preparation of age- and strain-matched samples and attention to detail in tissue dissection technique.
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Key words
chromosomes,genes,uniparental duplications,mice
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