The 42nd Design Automation ConferenceJune 13 - 17, 2005 • Anaheim, CA


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2 This year DAC is celebrating its 42nd year with a technical pro g ram that includes 181 papers, panels, tutori a l s, and keynote presentations cove ri n g a wide range of design issues. The pro g ram covers sessions in nine topic a reas: Bu s i n e s s, Design for Ma n u f a c t u ring, Embedded Sy s t e m s, Logic Design & Test, Nanometer Analysis and Simulation, Ph y s i c a l / C i rc u i t Design, Powe r, Sy s t e m - L e vel Design and Ve rification, and Wi re l e s s. In each of these are a s, the sessions will cover aspects of both design methodology and design tools. New this ye a r, DAC is offering Wi re l e s s We d n e s d a y, which is a day with sessions, panels, and exhibit floor activities dedicated to learning about design of wireless devices. Management Da y on Tu e s d a y, June 14, includes sessions and functions discussing topics at the intersection of technology and business for design m a n a g e m e n t .
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