Expression pattern of the FoxO1 gene during mouse embryonic development.

Gene Expression Patterns(2011)

Cited 9|Views7
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In order to fully describe the expression pattern of the transcription factor FoxO1, we have screened the ES cell genetrap repository databases and obtained a clone that contains the ß-geo reporter gene inserted within intron 1 of FoxO1. We then used the ES cell clone to generate a new mouse strain (B6;129P2- Foxo1Gt(AD0086)Wtsi/JJC), which expresses ß-geo according to the endogenous FoxO1 pattern, and collected embryo stages from 7.0dpc to 18.5dpc. We show that the expression of FoxO1 is highly dynamic, starting in the neuroepithelium and then extending into the developing vasculature, including all early stages of heart formation. There is a dramatic switch of expression at 11.5dpc in which most vascular expression is abolished and replaced by skeletal muscle expression. In addition FoxO1 is also expressed in several epithelial structures including the olfactory and otic systems, the cornea and at different levels of the gut depending on developmental stage. At later foetal stages, FoxO1 is upregulated again in the same tissues were it is active during early development, including skeletal muscle, vascular system and neuroepithelium.
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