Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: " Indi Ba, Bb1

AIP Conference Proceedings(2009)

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We present preliminary astrometric results for the closest known brown dwarf binary to the Sun: " Indi Ba, Bb at a distance of 3.626 pc. Via ongoing monitoring of the relative separation of the two brown dwarfs (spectral types T1 and T6) with the VLT NACO near-IR adaptive optics system since June 2004, we obtain a model-independent dynamical total mass for the system of 121 MJup, some 60% larger than the one obtained by McCaughrean et al. (2004), implying that the system may be as old as 5 Gyr. We have also been monitoring the absolute astrometric motions of the system using the VLT FORS2 optical imager since August 2005 to determine the individual masses. We predict a periastron passage in early 2010, by which time the system mass will be constrained to <1 MJup and we will be able to determine the individual masses accurately in a dynamical, model- independent manner.
97.20.vs,astrometry,97.80.di,binaries: visual,97.80.af,brown dwarfs pacs: 95.10.eg,celestial mechanics
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