Pituitary enlargement with suprasellar extension in functional hyperprolactinemia due to lactotroph hyperplasia: a pseudotumoral disease.


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Beside the well characterized PRL-secreting adenomas, a wide spectrum of functional hyperprolactinemic states exists. We describe here five women, 21-38 yr old, all suspected of having a PRL-secreting adenoma because of a pseudotumoral appearance of the pituitary on computerized tomographic (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Four had oligomenorrhea with or without galactorrhea, one had amenorrhea with galactorrhea, and two complained of infertility. In the same patient, basal plasma PRL levels were variable on different days, sometimes normal (mean +/- SEM, 11.3 +/- 1.5-mu-g/L), sometimes elevated (49 +/- 7-mu-g/L), but in all cases, a PRL response of large amplitude to TRH (6- to 8-fold increase in the basal value) was observed. Basal plasma levels of estradiol were within luteal phase normal values (0.41 +/- 0.13 pmol/L), while progesterone levels were low (1.92 +/- 0.47 nmol/L). CT scan or MRI showed an intrasellar mass with suprasellar extension, suggesting a tumoral process. However, the signal intensity was homogeneous, and on coronal views, the suprasellar extension was pyramidal and symmetrical, and the pituitary stalk was always in the midline. The five patients were operated on by the transsphenoidal route, but no adenoma was found. Surgical biopsies were taken in four cases, and lactotroph hyperplasia, i.e. enlarged cell cords consisting mainly of PRL cells, was found in three of them. One case displayed a continuum between areas of lactotroph hyperplasia and adenomatous PRL cells. We conclude that functional hyperprolactinemia may mimic on CT scan or MRI a PRL-secreting adenoma.
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