Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition(2004)

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Introduction: There are numerous causes of benign stenosis in the child, the majority of them (90%) correspond to stenosis related to Gastro Aeosophagic Reflux benign stenosis either caused by Congenital Malfunctions at those related tu endogenous damage are rareCongenital stenoses, majority of which are due to tracheo-bronchial remainings in the aesophagus and other less frecuent stenoses, are due to hypertrophic fibrosis of the muscular layer. They produce symptoms at an early age characterized by regurgitations of not digested food. Methods: Recognition of this condition is carried out by means of radiology and endoscopy. Treatment most be based on dilatations and, as a last measure, surgery Results: The patient is a 22 month infant with a clinical history of food vomiting since she was 11 months old. She was studied by radiology which revealed aesophagic stenosis in the third lower part of the aesophagus and a compatible image with presence of post-stenosis aesophagic stenosis. Ultrasound endoscopy showed the presence of thickening of the echo layer 3. Aesophagic dilatations were practiced. These were unsuccessful. In view of the evolution of this case it was decided a surgical resolution. This consisted in resection of the stenotic zone and transit restitution together with aesophagic termino-terminal anastomosis Conclusion: The pathologic anatomy study of the extracted sample confirmed muscular hypertrophy. Later controls showed a satisfactory evolution.
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