Ecology of kin and nonkin larval interactions in Tribolium beetles


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The larvae of flour beetles Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum were reared in two kinds of groups: full siblings and unrelated individuats. These kin and nonkin groups were reared in open cultures, in which emigration was permitted (both species) and in closed cultures, in which emigration was prohibited (only T. confusum). We measured larval development time and survivorship, weight of pupae, and time of larval emigration from open cultures. The effects of age structure were investigated by establishing open cultures of larvae of uniform age (larvae hatched from eggs laid within 72 h) and cultures of larvae of variable age (eggs laid within 240 h). In closed cultures of siblings, T. confusum larvae pupated on an average 2.2 days earlier than larvae reared in nonsibling groups. In T. castaneum, more small and medium size and fewer large size larvae emigrated from groups of siblings compared to groups of nonsiblings. Males that emigrated and pupated remained with their sibs for a shorter time than did similar males raised with unrelated larvae. In T. castaneum, age structure variation reduced the sibs tendency to migrate, but did not influence interactions among unrelated larvae. The genetical effects of kinship and the ecological effects of age structure were shown to affect the interactions of Tribolium larvae reared in groups. Reducing the similarity between individuals, either genetically or demographically (using mixed broods or mixed age cohorts), changed the pattern of larval interactions. Upon occasion, the effects of kin interactions may well be the mechanical consequences of the coexistence of similar individuals rather than the effects of altruistic behavior.
Full Sibling,Altruistic Behavior,Open Culture,Size Larva,Similar Individual
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