Test results of the 18kA EDIPO HTS current leads


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For the new test facility EDIPO (European DIPOle), to be hosted by CRPP, two 18 kA HIS current leads were manufactured and successfully tested. The HTS module, made of AgMgAu/Bi-2223 tapes, is cooled only by heat conduction to the cold end, while the copper part is cooled by forced flow helium gas. The current leads were tested at low voltage up to the maximum current of 18 kA. The helium mass flow rates required for stable operation at various currents were determined. In addition to the steady state operation, the transient behavior in the case of a loss of flow was studied experimentally. The test results provide an estimate of the operational limits of the EDIPO HTS current leads. (C) 2011 EURATOM. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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HTS current leads,Contact resistance,Heat flux,Current sharing Temperature,Loss of flow accident
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