Outcome probability modulates anticipatory behavior to signals that are equally reliable

Adaptive Behavior - Animals, Animats, Software Agents, Robots, Adaptive Systems(2014)

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stimulus is a reliable signal of an outcome when the probability that the outcome occurs in its presence is different from in its absence. Reliable signals of important outcomes are responsible for triggering critical anticipatory or preparatory behavior, which is any form of behavior that prepares the organism to receive a biologically significant event. Previous research has shown that humans and other animals prepare more for outcomes that occur in the presence of highly reliable (i.e., highly contingent) signals, that is, those for which that difference is larger. However, it seems reasonable to expect that, all other things being equal, the probability with which the outcome follows the signal should also affect preparatory behavior. In the present experiment with humans, we used two signals. They were differentially followed by the outcome, but they were equally (and relatively weakly) reliable. The dependent variable was preparatory behavior in a Martians video game. Participants prepared more for the outcome (a Martians' invasion) when the outcome was most probable. These results indicate that the probability of the outcome can bias preparatory behavior to occur with different intensities despite identical outcome signaling.
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outcome density,adaptive behavior,predictive cue,prediction,contingency,outcome signaling,anticipatory behavior,reliability,preparatory behavior,outcome probability,cognitive bias,learning,biomedical research,bioinformatics
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