La necrópolis de Can Gambús-1 (Sabadell, Barcelona). Nuevos conocimientos sobre las prácticas funerarias durante el Neolítico medio en el Noreste de la Península Ibérica


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In this paper we deal with the Neolithic burials at the site of Can Gambus-1, belonging of the so called Cultura de los Sepulcros de Fosa" (from end of the fifth to the beginning of the fourth millennia cal BC). The main aim is to present new data on the procedures of excavation of the pits, the materials used in the covering of the graves and the treatment given to some of the corpses. The detailed archaeological reconstruction of the funerary behaviour has been possible thanks to the exceptional state of preservation of the graves, the rigorous process of archaeological excavation, the anthropological study carried out, as well as to the achievement of a detailed taxonomic study of all the available evidences. Likewise, the grave goods recovered in the burials are presented. Their quantity and quality is outstanding compared with other similar funerary contexts. Probably this fact is due to the exclusive presence of adult individuals among the buried ones.
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Western Mediterranean,Neolithic,Archaeology of Death,Funerary Ritual,Paleoanthropology,Taphonomy,Radiocarbon,Grave Goods,Technology
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