Long-Term In Vitro Storage and Multiplication of Leucojum Aestivum L.


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Leucojum aestivum L. is a threatened medicinal plant used as a source of galanthamine in Bulgaria. The AChE inhibitor galanthamine is applied for treatment of Alzeimer's disease and other neurological disorders. The in vitro storage of genotype accessions from different natural populations with proven alkaloid profiles is of fundamental importance for the protection and rapid propagation of this threatened medicinal plant for both industry and natural resource protection. In this paper we describe a three step protocol for in vitro long-term conservation of L. aestivum- induction, regeneration and storage of explants. A gen-bank in AgroBioInstitute with accessions from 31 Bulgarian populations was created by us with the use of this in vitro protocol.
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Leucojum aestivum,in vitro,gene bank,galanthamine
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