Rak zatoki szczękowej u 24-letniego mężczyzny, aspekty opieki holistycznej

Otolaryngologia Polska(2011)

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The aim of this study is to report a carcinoma affecting the maxillary sinus of a 24-years old man. Malignant tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are rare and a very heterogeneous group of tumors. The most common is a squamous cell carcinoma. Sinonasal malignances usually present as a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The treatment depended on location, extension and histology of the tumor, clinical condition and the patient desire. It consisted of surgery, RT, surgery and postoperatory R, and concurrent QT and RT. The treatment should be assessed individually for each patient. The treatment of patients with paranasal neoplasms requires a multidisciplinary cooperation. High quality care requires the preparation of a team of professionals dedicated to their work. We observe generally human trends to restore well being in difficult situation. Patients transform the information about them or change the values system. Psychooncological help in this field reinforces natural mechanism of restoring well being, increasing positive emotions and patient's own activity.
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młodzi dorośli,rak zatoki szczękowej,opieka holistyczna,problemy terapii
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