Research on Algorithm for Consistent Fit or Unfit Sorting Sector and Match Measurement between Plan and Environment.


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Multi-objective decision-making can be divided into two categories: (1) First select some evaluation attributes, then evaluate the pre-programs under these evaluation attributes, and finally using certain methods to fuse the evaluation information; (2) Since the preselected programs in a same external environment, how to select the most pre-match program matching with the external environment. But present research about the later decisionmaking question is few. This article has conducted some research to this kind of policy-making question As a result of each preselected plan own characteristic, conditionperformance functions of various environment condition factor to each preselected plan existence difference. Thus causes not be able to only depend on the value of environment condition factor to judge each preselected plan fit and unfit quality under this environment condition, but must carry on the overall evaluation according to the value of environment condition factor and the conditionperformance function. In this article, firstly construct an algorithm to seek consistent fit and unfit quality sorting sector. Then based on these consistent fit and unfit quality sorting sectors, construct a match measurement operator to measure the match degree between each preselected plan and the external environment. The preselected plan owning the biggest match degree is the best plan under this environment condition. © 2011 ACADEMY PUBLISHER.
confidence level,consistent sorting sector,match measurement
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