Analysis of mechanism of excitation of vibrations of working bodies of diskator with rotation around axis of attachment

Vibrations in engineering and technology(2023)

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The paper proposes an analytical model of interaction with the ground of a spherical disk mounted on an elastic riser at angles to the direction of movement and vertical. The working hypothesis is that fluctuations in the elastic riser-disk system occur due to periodic changes in the components of the traction resistance.The model provides for the differentiation of the acting forces, taking into account the rotation of the disk. The elastic riser in the model is considered to be formed by sections of strictly determined rigidity in the direction of each of the acting forces. The riser as a whole is a steel strip of constant cross section, the stiffness of the sections is determined by a change in the bending radius. In the work, the reasoned ratio of the components of the traction resistance, which will create a rational mode of oscillation of the disk. Experimental studies have confirmed that the vibrations of the disk, in the plane coinciding with the direction of movement of the working organ, should be considered rational. In the course of field research, the hypothesis that the main advantages of the disk working organ are due to its rotation around the axis of attachment was confirmed. So, in the case of a braked disk, all other things being equal, its resistance increases to an average of 27%. The operation of the diskator in extreme conditions, such as high humidity and the presence of high-stemmed vegetation, has been confirmed. This makes it promising to use it for work on rice checks, flying ponds, on the reclamation of technologically disturbed soils. Experimentally obtained rational rigidity of the riser The riser as a whole is a steel strip of constant cross section, the rigidity of the sections is determined by changing the bending radius. In the work, the reasoned ratio of the components of the traction resistance, which will create a rational mode of oscillation of the disk. It is established that the efficiency of the vibration shock mode is more evident at a relatively small value of the specific adhesion of the soil particles (4.5-5.8 kN/m2), which corresponds to the number of impacts of the hardness meter DorNII 19 - 24. In the range of 28-34 strokes - can be considered more effective rigid riser, as cheaper to manufacture. In general, the vibration shock mode of operation reduces the traction resistance of the diskator by 1.1 - 1.2 times in the entire real range of hardness of agricultural soil
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