Cooperative Medical Decision Making and Learning by the Sharing of Web-Based Electronic Notebooks and Logs.

CBMS '99: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems(1999)

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The Stanford Health Information Network for Education (SHINE) integrates online bibliographic systems, drug databases, guideline texts, textbooks, journals, medical images, digital videos, and knowledge-based systems formerly accessible individually through the Z39.50 protocol, SQL language, HTTP protocol, and full-text search engines. Using a mediator-and-wrapper-based approach, SHINE is able to integrate with the patient's electronic medical record (EMR) system to support just-in-time medical information for medical decision making and education. As part of our effort to facilitate knowledge management, we developed web-based electronic notebook and log recording systems. By organizing, reviewing, and sharing the log records, users can share and manage their learning experience. The electronic notebook works as a tool for inter-person communication, personal note keeping, group file sharing, and EMR system reference linking. We also discuss SHINE's system infrastructue, which was designed to support the information sharing and linking.
group decision support systems,information resources,information technology,knowledge based systems,medical computing,medical information systems,SHINE,Stanford Health Information Network for Education,cooperative medical decision making,electronic log recording,electronic medical record,electronic notebooks,group file sharing,knowledge-based systems,web-based system,
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