Embalagens plásticas e refrigeração na conservação pós-colheita de jabuticaba


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the plastic packages use in cold storage on the preservation of jabuticabas (Myrciaria spp) for fresh consumption and processing. Two experiments were carried out at Embrapa Clima Ternperado Research Center, Pelotas - RS, with the following treatments: T-1 - control (open package); T - 200g capacity plastic box (dimensions: 18 cm of length, 12 cm of width and 3 cm of height) with perforated cover (two holes of 1 mm diameter each one); and T3 - 15 t thick perforated plastic sac (0,5mm holes). In the Experiment 1, the fruits (for fresh consume) with these packaging treatments were kept during eight days in a cold storage chamber under temperature of 0 degrees C and 90% relative humidity (RH) containing 0,03-0,09ppm of ionized oxygen, and after being taken out from the cold storage, the fruits of the three pack kinds were left two days in room temperature (20-22 degrees C) and 70-75% RH. In the Experiment 2 (fruit for processing), it were evaluated the same treatments and cold storage conditions as it was referred in the first experiment, except that it was not simulated shelf life of the fruits which, in this experiment, were kept in the cold storage chamber of 0 degrees C and 90 degrees C RH for 10 days, since the fruits were supposed to be used for processing. In both experiments, the variables evaluated were: loss of weight (%); total soluble solids (TSS); pH; tritable acidity -TA (% citric acid); and ratio TSS/TA. It was concluded that for both purposes of fruit consumption the best packing was the 15 mu plastic sac which kept better the quality during eight days in cold storage plus two days of simulated shelf life as well as the fruits for processing kept in cold storage for 10 days.
Myrciaria spp,fruit quality,cold storage
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