Detection of IgG antibodies to measles virus using monoclonal antibodies for antigen-capture in enzyme immunoassay

Journal of Virological Methods(1984)

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An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the detection of IgG antibodies to measles viral hemagglutinin (H) has been developed. Monoclonal antibodies were employed as antigencapture reagents on a polystyrene ball solid phase. The antigen-capture EIA was significantly more sensitive than hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) and somewhat more sensitive than indirect immunofluorescence and indirect EIA for the detection of antibodies to measles virus. The importance of selecting a monoclonal antibody with a high binding affinity, and controlling for non-specific adherence of antigen or antibodies to the solid phase were demonstrated. This method offers not only greater sensitivity than HAI, but also the practicality of reagents capable of standardization and long term storage.
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antigen-capture EIA measles viral hemagglutinin discriminant analysis corrected optical density
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