Irresistible! Markets, Models, and Meta-Value in Consumer Electronics

Irresistible! Markets, Models, and Meta-Value in Consumer Electronics(2006)

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“The consumer electronics world sets a blistering pace for innovation, and anyone hoping to keep upï戮聳or take the leadï戮聳should read this book. Insightful and comprehensive, it maps out the industry terrain, and then points the way toward opportunities that lie ahead. Bailey and Wenzek have put together a compelling read on this fasï戮 cinating global industry.”ï戮聳Tom Kelley, General Manager IDEO author, The Ten Faces of Innovation“Consumer electronics is one of the largest, fastest growing, most exciting, and most ruthless markets in the global economy. And technology and innovation are pouring into the space at an accelerating pace. Unfortunately, many vendors are not making money. Maniacal focus on return on investment is the key to success, and this book provides thought-provoking ideas on how to drive it.”ï戮聳Mike Bingle, Managing Director Silver Lake Partners“An industry built on the foundation of market dominance is being shaken up. In consumer electronics, those keystone companies that appraise the innovative value of niche players regain profitable growth. This book outlines what it takes to win in a turbulent ecosystem.”ï戮聳Marco Iansiti, Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business SchoolThe consumer electronics industry is entering an era of extraordinary growth. The industry's best companies will ride that wave to unprecedented success. But, today, many CE companies are struggling with business models that are simply untenable. They must change to survive: they must change even more dramatically to win.In this book, two world-renowned consultants preview the industry's futureï戮聳from online gaming to telehealthcare, and beyond. Next, they present a powerful new blueprint, offering indispensable guidance on everything from technology platforms to user interface design, branding to channel strategies. You'll discover how to uncover new sources of value, design better models for doing business, and fuel growth by reaching new geographical markets. Whatever your role in the industry, this book will help you:ï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Make better decisions, find your differentiators, and focus on your key success driversï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Tap into the emergent “meta-value” that arises when technologies, devices, services, and content come togetherï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Reach tomorrow's smart, service-sensitive shopper: not just the “technology-hungry” customersï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Widen margins by adding value consumers will pay forï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Transform cost structures to support rapid growth and nonstop changeï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Sell into China, India, and other fast-growing emerging marketsï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Preview “telehealthcare”: the surprising application for the living roomï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Gain new insights into online gaming, smart home technology, and moreï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Discover the immense power of IBM's Cell Broadband Engine processorï戮聳and the business opportunities it enablesï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Leverage embedded Linux to build more affordable, profitable, consumer-centric productsï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Develop higher-value software for connected consumer electronicsï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Differentiate products through state-of-the-art design and user interfacesï戮·ï戮 ï戮 Discover what the industry's “winners” will look like in five yearsï戮聳and how to be one of them ï戮 The consumer electronics industry continues to grow at breakneck speed: from MP3 players to home healthcare devices, consumers are adopting new technologies faster than ever before. But most consumer electronics companies are struggling with razor-thin margins, or even losses. Their traditional business models simply aren't working anymore. In Irresistible! Markets, Models, and Meta-Value in Consumer Electronics, IBM's leading consumer electronic industry consultants reveal powerful new opportunities to profitï戮聳and offer realistic advice for leveraging them.Drawing on their experience working with innovators from Helsinki to Osaka, the authors and contributors introduce revolutionary On Demand Business models for improving profitability, and identify tomorrow's most profitable CE opportunities. They cover every element of success: technology, design, service, branding, channel strategies, and much more. Whether you're an executive or engineer, strategist or entrepreneur, this book will help you find your differentiators, focus on your key success driversï戮聳and become one of this industry's big long-term winners!
consumer electronics company,connected consumer electronics,online gaming,consumer electronics,schoolthe consumer electronics industry,electronic industry consultant,global industry,key success driver,consumer electronics industry,industry terrain
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