Effects of Undernutrition and Refeeding on Weights of Bodv Parts and Chemical Comnonents 6f Growing Moroccan Lamb2

A. Kabbali, W. L. Johnson, Johnson D. W,R. D. Goodrich, C. E. Allen


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Fortyfour intact, male lambs (20 Timahdit and 24 D'manl were used to assess the effects of 22% (from approximately 25 to approxi- mately 20 kg) and 31% ffrom approximately 25 to approximately 17 kg) live weight loss and the subsequent refeeding to initial BW on changes in body components. Body composition was deter- mined using a serial slaughter technique at 17, 20, and 25 kg live weight during normal growth, weight loss, and refeeding phases. Reduction in live weight from 25 to 20 kg was associated with greater loss of visceral organs (30%) and internal fat (75%) than carcass loss (19%). Further body weight loss (from 20 to 17 kg) involved carcasses to a greater extent than internal organs. The com- position of BW loss consisted of 53% water, 28% fat, and 15% protein. Refeeding was associated with a rapid increase in organ weights and less fat regeneration. Although total internal organs re- covered only 90% of their original weight, liver and kidneys regained all their weight. At the same slaughter weight, carcass and noncarcass compo- nents of refed lambs were leaner because of lower fat content in these components.
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Key words
carcass composition,underfeeding,lambs,refeeding,body weight,body composition,weight loss
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