Identification of saccades in electrooculograms and their use as a control tool

ACS'06: Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer science(2006)

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This paper describes the tasks carried out to develop a control tool using the changes detected in gaze, which are captured in the electrooculogram signal. The objective is to use these changes to control a user interface such as Dasher. A software tool for generating visual stimuli and acquiring the eye signal has been developed. These signals were later processed with a first derivative-based algorithm in order to detect the changes. The optimal parameters for the algorithm have been determined, and also the sensitivity (S>97%) and the predictive positive value (+PV>90%) of the detector have also been calculated. The preliminary results are promising, but a study with a greater number of individuals should be made to check the on-line performance with longer registers.
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Key words
control tool,derivative-based algorithm,electrooculogram signal,eye signal,software tool,greater number,longer register,on-line performance,optimal parameter,predictive positive value
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