Hadronic energy distributions in deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering

M. Derrick,D. Krakauer,S. Magill,B. Musgrave,J. Repond, S. Repond,R. Stanek,R. L. Talaga,J. Thron,F. Arzarello,R. Ayad,G. Bari, M. Basile, L. Bellagamba, D. Boscherini, A. Bruni,G. Bruni,P. Bruni,G. Cara Romeo, G. Castellini,M. Chiarini, L. Cifarelli, F. Cindolo,F. Ciralli, A. Contin,S. D'Auria,C. Del Papa,F. Frasconi,P. Giusti, G. Iacobucci,G. Laurenti,G. Levi,Q. Lin,B. Lisowski, G. Maccarrone, A. Margotti,T. Massam,F. Nania,C. Nemoz,F. Palmonari,G. Sartorelli,R. Timellini,Y. Zamora Garcia,AI Zichichi,A. Bargende,J. Crittenden,H. Dabbous,K. Desch,B. Diekmann,T. Doeker,M. Geerts,G. Geitz,H. Hartmann,D. Haun,K. Heinloth,E. Hilger,H.-P. Jakob,S. Kramarczyk,M. Kückes,A. Mass,S. Mengel,J. Mollen,D. Monaldi,H. Müsch,E. Paul,R. Schattevoy,J.-L. Schneider,D. Schramm,R. Wedemeyer,A. Cassidy,D. G. Cussans,N. Dyce,B. Foster,R. Gilmore,G. P. Heath,H. F. Heath,M. Lancaster,T. J. Llewellyn,J. Malos,C. J. S. Morgado,R. J. Tapper,S. S. Wilson,R. Yoshida,R. R. Rau, M. Arneodo, T. Barillari,M. Schioppa,G. Susinno,A. Bernstein,A. Caldwell,I. Gialas,J. A. Parsons,S. Ritz,F. Sciulli,P. B. Straub,L. Wai,S. Yang,J. Chwastowski,A. Dwurzźny,A. Eskreys,Z. Jakubowski,B. Niziol,K. Piotrzkowski,M. Zachara,L. Zawiejski,B. Bednarek,P. Borzemski,K. Eskreys,K. Jeleń, D. Kisielewska,T. Kowalski,E. Rulikowska-Zarębska,L. Suszycki,J. Zając,T. Kędzierski,A. Kotański,M. Przybycień, L. A. T. Bauerdick, U. Behrens,J. K. Bienlein,S. Böttcher,C. Coldewey,A. Dannemann,G. Drews,P. Erhard,M. Flasiński,I. Fleck,R. Gläser,P. Göttlicher,B. Gutjahr,T. Haas,L. Hagge,W. Hain,D. Hasell,H. Hultschig,G. Jahnen,P. Joos,M. Kasemann,R. Klanner, W. Koch,L. Köpke,U. Kötz,H. Kowalski,J. Krüger,J. Labs,A. Ladage,B. Löhr,M. Löwe,D. Lüke,J. Mainusch,O. Manczak,M. Momayezi,J. S. T. Ng,S. Nickel,D. Notz,K.-U. Pösnecker,M. Rohde,J. Roldán,E. Ros,U. Schneekloth,J. Schroeder,W. Schulz,F. Selonke,E. Stiliaris,E. Tscheslog,T. Tsurugai,W. Vogel,G. Wolf,C. Youngman,H. J. Grabosch,A. Leich,A. Meyer,C. Rethfeldt,S. 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Contino,G. D'Agostini,M. Guida,M. Iori,S. M. Mari,G. Marini,M. Mattioli,A. Nigro,J. C. Hart,N. A. McCubbin,K. Prytz,T. P. Shah,T. L. Short,E. Barberis, N. Cartiglia,C. Heusch,B. Hubbard,J. Leslie,W. Lockman,K. O'Shaughnessy,H. F. Sadrozinski, A. Seiden,D. Zer-Zion,E. Badura,J. Biltzinger,R. J. Seifert,A. H. Walenta,G. Zech,S. Dagan,A. Levy,T. Hasegawa,M. Hazumi,T. Ishii,S. Kasai,M. Kuze,Y. Nagasawa,M. Nakao,H. Okuno,K. Tokushuku,T. Watanabe, S. Yamada,M. Chiba,R. Hamatsu,T. Hirose,S. Kitamura,S. Nagayama,Y. Nakamitsu,R. Cirio,M. Costa,M. I. Ferrero,L. Lamberti, S. Maselli,C. Peroni, A. Solano, A. Staiano,M. Dardo,D. C. Bailey,D. Bandyopadhyay,F. Benard,S. Bhadra,M. Brkic,B. D. Burow,F. S. Chlebana,M. B. Crombie,G. F. Hartner,G. M. Levman,J. F. Martin,R. S. Orr,J. D. Prentice,C. R. Sampson,G. G. Stairs, R. J. Teuscher,T.-S. Yoon,F. W. Bullock,C. D. Catterall,J. C. Giddings,T. W. Jones,A. M. Khan,J. B. Lane,P. L. Makkar,D. Shaw,J. Shulman,K. Blankenship,J. Kochocki,B. Lu,L. W. Mo,K. Charchula,J. Ciborowski,J. Gajewski,G. Grzelak,M. Kasprzak,M. Krzyżanowski,K. Muchorowski,R. J. Nowak,J. M. Pawlak,A. Stopczyński,T. Tymieniecka,R. Walczak,A. K. Wróblewski,J. A. Zakrzewski,A. F. Żarnecki,M. Adamus, H. Abramowicz,Y. Eisenberg,C. Glasman,U. Karshon,A. Montag,D. Revel,A. Shapira, C. Foudas,C. Fordham,R. J. Loveless,A. Goussiou,I. Ali,B. Behrens, S. Dasu,D. D. Reeder, W. H. Smith,S. Silverstein,W. R. Frisken,K. M. Furutani,Y. Iga

European Physical Journal C(1993)

引用 60|浏览180
This paper presents energy distributions of the hadronic system produced in neutral-current electron-proton deep-inelastic scattering at a centre of mass energy of 296 GeV. Comparison of the results with QCD Monte Carlo models shows that QCD radiation has a strong influence on the characteristics of the final state. The data are reasonably reproduced by the Lund model based on a matrix element calculation in first order ofas, followed by appropriate parton showers, as well as by the colour dipole model. The HERWIG parton shower model also gives a reasonable representation of the data. Neither the first order matrix elements alone nor the Lund parton shower model, without the matrix element calculation, reproduce the data.
monte carlo,fragmentation,neutral current,simulation,zeus,first order,centre of mass,deep inelastic scattering
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