Esposizione professionale a distruttori endocrini: stato dell'arte


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摘要 Research into how exposure to "endocrine disrupters chemicals" affects human health is attracting increasing attention among European and international scientists since these contaminants are so widespread in the home and work environment and can have far-reaching effects on mental and physical health. Here we draw a general picture of studies to date on specific occupational exposures to single chemicals such as bi- sphenol A, styrene, etc., or homogeneous groups such as pesticides, me- tals, dioxins, phthalates and others. Although the exposure occurs in different ways, the toxic mechanisms of action vary widely, and it is hard to establish precisely the conditions of occupational exposure, si- gnificant correlations are nevertheless evident between the potential do- se and its effects and further studies are certainly needed. There is still much debate on the epidemiological methods employed, which may ove- restimate exposure. The "measure" or at least an accurate description of exposure conditions is critical to the whole question and attempts to ensure this involve standardized procedures and statistical tests as the basis for a protocol for assessing the risk of occupational exposure. Investigations to date have focused on the effects on the reproductive sy- stem, in males in particular. However, considering the broad range of equilibria and systems on which endocrine destructive compounds can act, the international scientific community needs to persist in its efforts to develop methods for checking the effects on other endocrine organs - par- ticularly the thyroid gland - and on the immune and neurological systems.
occupational exposure.,endocrine disrupters chemicals,edc,risk assessment,statistical test,thyroid gland
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