Consensus italiana sulle raccomandazioni EULAR 2005 per il trattamento dell'artrosi dell'anca Italian consensus on EULAR recommendations 2005 for the management of hip osteoarthritis


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SUMMARY The recommendations for the management of osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip were proposed by EULAR in 2005. Among the most important objectives of the expert charged to provide these recommendations were their wide dissemination and implementation. Thus, the information generated can be used by each individual country to produce their own set of man- agement guidelines and algorithms for treatment in primary care. According with that previously executed for the EU- LAR recommendation 2003 for the knee, the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR) has organised a Consensus on the EULAR recommendations 2005 for the management of hip OA. To obtain an acceptability as large as possible, the group of experts was composed by many physicians interested in the management of hip OA, including Orthopaedics, Rheuma- tologists, Physiatrists, and General Practitioners. Main aim of the Consensus was to analyse the acceptability and ap- plicability of the recommendations according to own experience and local situations in the Italy. The results of this Con- sensus have demonstrated that a large majority of the EULAR recommendations are endorsed by the Italian experts. Fur- thermore, the final document of the Italian Consensus clearly indicated the need that the specialists involved in the man- agement of hip OA strongly encourage the dissemination of the EULAR 2005 recommendations also in Italy.
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