Pentingnya konsepsi pendidikan multikultural di sekolah pasca konflik sosial di ternate


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Pendidikan Multikultural yang selalu mengedepankan budaya dan nilai-nilai universal pasca konflik sosial di sekolah, diharapkan sebagai suatu upaya untuk membangun tatanan kehidupan yang lebih harmoni, yang dilandasi rasa saling hormat menghormati, mengakui keragaman dan mengedepankan asas kemanusiaan dan keadilan sosial, terutama di lingkungan pendidikan atau sekolah. Melalui berbagai mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di kelas. Guru sebagai hidden curriculum, merupakan instrumen penting yang mendorong pengembangan budaya sekolah. Karena perilakunya dapat menjadi contoh dan teladan bagi siswa. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran guru dikelas perlu penekanannya pada budaya berfikir kritis siswa, kemampuan kerja sama, serta keterampilan dalam mengambil keputusan. Untuk itulah pendidikan multikultural merupakan suatu konstribusi positif untuk warga bangsa ini khususnya di kota Ternate pasca konflik sosial. Di lembaga pendidikan formal, khususnya di sekolah perlu ditanamkan sikap dan semangat kebersamaan dan hubungan kesetaraan yang harmoni.Kata kunci: Multikultural, nilai budaya daerah, konflik sosial THE IMPORTANCE OF MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOL OF POST SOCIAL CONFLICT IN TERNATEAbstract Multicultural education in schools that puts emphasis on culture and universal values following the social conflicts is expected to represent an attempt to create a more harmonious social order, which is based on mutual respect, acknowledgement of diversity, and humanitarian principles as well as social justice, especially in the educational setting or schools. Through a variety of subjects taught in the classroom, the teachers as the hidden curriculum constitute important instruments that encourage the development of school culture since their behavior can be an example and role model for students. Teachers’ instructional efforts in classrooms need to emphasize critical thinking, cooperative, and decision-making skills on their students..For that reason, multicultural education represents a positive contribution to the people of this nation, especially those living in post-social conflict Ternate city. In formal education institutions, mainly formal schools, it is a necessary to cultivate attitude and spirit of togetherness and a harmonious mutual relathionship. Keywords: Multicultural, local cultures, social conflict.
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Multicultural Education
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