Career Decision Processes Observed from Life Stories of University Students


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In this study, career decision processes were analyzed using a qualitative approach of the grounded theory (Glasser&Strauss 1967) for 20 university students aged between 20 and 23 years old (9 male students and 11 female students). As a result eight types of students were identified regarding their future occupations; 1) Decision made at the compulsory education stage with provisional decision making experience, 2) Decision made at the high school education stage with provisional decision making experience, 3) Decision made at the university education stage with provisional decision making experience, 4) Undecided with provisional decision making experience, 5) Decision made at the compulsory education stage without provisional decision making experience, 6) Decision made at the high school education stage without provisional decision making experience, 7) Decision made at the university education stage without provi- sional decision making experience, 8) Undecided with no provisional decision making experience. The differences regarding positivity toward choosing future careers, attitude and willingness towards working life were shown between those who have provisional decision making experience and those who have not. Especially those who have provisional decision making experience at the compulsory education stage showed clear willingness and expectation for working life, as well as a higher degree of involvement in seeking work, demonstrating the importance of supporting stu- dents in experiencing provisional career decisions at schools and career guidance at an earlier stage which calls for the development of useful programs and teaching materials.
grounded theory
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