Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 10th Conference of the Weed Science Society of Israel

B. Rubin,Miriam Freund,A. Tal,U. Rosenberg,U. Kafkafi,Y. Benyamini,Elana Avidov,N. Aharonson,J. Katan, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, G. Herzlinger, T. Blumenfeld, Y. Kleifeld, H. Bucsbaum, J. Gressel,J. Hirschberg, M. Schonfeld,T. Yaacoby, M. Schonfeld,B. Rubin,Orly Michael,M. Schonfeld,B. Rubin,M. A. K. Jansen,O. Canaani,J. J. S. Van Rensen,J. C. Wesselius,S. Malkin, Y. Shaaltiel,M. Jansen,A. Glazer, S. Geptstein,A. Washawsky,N. Cohen,N. H. Chua, J. Gressel,R. Cohen,A. Grinstein,O. Yarden,N. Lisker,J. Riov,Y. Eshel,J. Katan,Rina Varsano,B. Rubin,V. Gaba,Noa Cohen,Y. Shaaltiel,A. Ben-Amotz, J. Gressel,M. E. Kislev, A. Danin, T. Yaacoby,D. Levi, A. Danin,Orna Reisman-Berman,J. Kigel,B. Rubin, Dm. Joel, Y. Kleifeld,S. Golan, Faxen Omry,Einat Cohen,Rachel Dror,B. Rubin, Dm Joel, Y. Kleifeld, G. Herzlinger,S. Golan, D. M. Joel,Naomi Gordon-Ish Shalom, R. Jacobsohn,Y. Cohen,S. Golan, Vered Ruiner, Y. Kleifeld, D. M. Joel, Y. Kleifeld, S. Graph,S. Golan,A. Bargutti, G. Herzlinger, Y. Kleifeld, G. Herzlinger, S. Graph,S. Golan, Y. Kleifeld,S. Golan, S. Graph, D. M. Joel,Naomi Gordon-Ish Shalom,R. Jacobsohn,Y. Cohen, D. M. Joel, Einat Cohen, S. Graph, G. Herzlinger, Y. Friedman, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld,D. Alon,Z. Arenstein, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, G. Tzamir,N. Bilitzer,S. Kedar,B. Margalit, Y. Barzily, M. Freiman, N. Biltizer, G. Tzamir,M. Freiman,Y. Ohali,A. Nir,Y. Oren, H. Bucsbaum, Y. Kleifeld,A. Nir,A. Raz,A. Bahat, H. Bucsbaum, G. Herzlinger, Y. Kleifeld, T. Blumenfeld,D. Ulmann, H. Bucsbaum, Y. Kleifeld, G. Herzlinger,Y. Weiss,M. Abada, I. Levitin, M. Abada,I. Levitin, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, G. Herzlinger, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld,Y. Weiss, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld,Y. Sheinboim, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, G. Herzlinger,S. Graph, Y. Kleifeld, J. Keren, T. Blumenfeld, G. Herzlinger, Y. Kleifeld, H. Bucsbaum, Y. Kleifeld, T. Blumenfeld, H. Bucsbaum,G. Herzlinger,T. Blumenfeld, Y. Kleifeld, H. Bucsbaum, T. Blumenfeld,Y. Kleifeld,H. Bucsbaum, A. S. Funk


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Atrazine, Glyphosate, Chlorsulfuron, Prometryn, Terbutryn
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